Disaster knocking at the door-1

Bangladesh is most vulnerable countries have to suffer unprecedented natural calamities due to Climate Change. Today the topic Climate Change has become most talked about concern all over the world. And in our country even school going children are aware of the terrible fact waiting for our near future. This because of it creates a question of our existence. We could be drowned under deep sea if the escalating rate of Global warming which causes the Climate Change retains for a few years ahead. Many international conferences were held on this topic to get rid out of this but in vain, no benefit comes out yet. This is only for the shameful self centered thinking of so called 1st world countries. World leaders those always rise up their voice consequently to assure us the Wright judgment are suddenly become quiet in this concern. Why? Because they only take interest in thinking of their own business. They are not worried about others even for the sake of humanity. This isn’t expectable in 21st century. Those are the leaders of the industrial country committed this inhuman act. These industrial countries are mainly responsible for this Global Warming by emitting Greenhouse Gas that plays a vital role to increase the Global Temperature. For this the glacier of north South Pole has been melting, thus raises the sea level. With Bangladesh many countries of South East Asia and Africa will be sinking down for this reason.  Though we are least responsible for this human made disaster, we have to pay most enough. Survey shows that if the situation goes on like now then 30 million people could be homeless at the initial period of the upcoming disaster. Already we have paid for it two times before in very short duration by two deadly cyclones SIDR (November 2007) and AILA (January 2009). These caused numerous life lost, destroyed most of residential and commercial infrastructures. After these many depressions noticed in the Bay of Bengal. Any time there could be AILA or SIDR again. How long we have to live with the tension of our existence?  
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